Traditional Hymns Level 1 Book Only Hal Leonard Student Piano Library arranged by Fred Kern, Phillip Keveren and Mona Rejino Educational Piano Library Book

Traditional Hymns Level 1 Book Only Hal Leonard Student Piano Library arranged by Fred Kern, Phillip Keveren and Mona Rejino Educational Piano Library Book

Hal Leonard

  • $ 6.99

Traditional Hymns Level 1 (Book Only Hal Leonard Student Piano Library). Arranged by Fred Kern, Mona Rejino, and Phillip Keveren. For Piano/Keyboard. Educational Piano Library. Pre-Primary Class piece for the Hymn Playing event with the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) Festivals Bulletin 2008-2009-2010. Book 1. 16 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.296196).
Hymn Selections: Amazing Grace ¥ Deep and Wide ¥ Faith of Our Fathers ¥ For the Beauty of the Earth ¥ Give Me That Old Time Religion ¥ Jesus Loves Me ¥ Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow. About Hal Leonard Student Piano Library
The Hal Leonard is a piano method that is clear and concise while pleasing the piano student, teacher, and parent.

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