(312) 461-1989 | Hours: Monday-Saturday 11am-7pm ᛫ Sun 12-6pm
A Cappella Songs for Treble Chorus - SA/SSA, John Leavitt, Emily Crocker
A Child Is Born in Bethlehem - Philip Stopford, SA and Organ
A Heritage of Spirituals arr. John W. Work, James Miller, Fred Fox SATB
A Horseherd's Mountain Song For S.A.T.B. Chorus, A Cappella, From ""Two Chinese Folk Songs Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Keyboard rehearsal B MINOR - Anonymous Chen Yi
A Merry Little Christmas - Miscellaneous Rubino, Jerry - SATB
A RAISE KIDS IN PRAISE (SMB) - Raymond Wise & Frank Lane Piano/Vocal Score
A Song of Santa (Holiday Mash-up) 2-Part Arranger: Mac Huff
Adorable Flujo (Adorable Cosmic Flow) (from "Cantos Alegres") by Paul Basler Text Author: Gabriel Navar - SATB and Piano optional Horn
All Creatures Now Are Merry Minded - John Benet (Benson), SSATB
All-Night Vigil ('Vespers') - Sergei Rachmaninoff Op. 37, edited Vladimir Morosan and Alexander Ruggieri
American Negro Songs: 230 Folk Songs and Spirituals, Religious and Secular - John W. Work
Amor, Io Sento L'alma from Madrigali: Six “Fire Songs” on Italian Renaissance Poems - Morten Lauridsen, SATB a cappella
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Sing with the Choir Volume 1 Book/CD Pack SATB
Bach - Eight Chorales for Two Trumpets and Two Trombones (Bastable)
Bach - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Chorale from Cantata No. 147) arr. Myra Hess - Early Advanced - Piano Ensemble (2 Pianos 4 Hands)
Bach - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Wohl mir, dassich Jesum habe) Chorale from Cantata 147 arr. Harvey Grace - Violin & Piano (or Organ)
Bach - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Wohl mir, dassich Jesum habe) Chorale from Cantata 147 arr. Wolfgang Birtel - Violin & Piano
Bach - Organ Works, Volume 10 - Organ Chorales from Miscellaneous Sources - Organ Solo
Bach - Organ Works, Volume 11 - Freely Composed Organ Works - Choral Partitas from Miscellaneous Sources - Organ Solo
Bach, J. S. - 389 Choralgesange (SATB) ed. Richter
Bach, J. S. - Complete Chorales Urtext edited by Thomas Daniel [SATB]
Bach, J. S. - Matthaus-Passion BWV 244. ed. Max Schneider solos: SSATTBB – choir: SATB/SATB Vocal Score
Bass, Randol Alan - Gloria (TTBB Version) with Piano
Battle Hymn Of The Republic - Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Piano B-FLAT MAJOR - William Steffe - Peter Wilhousky, Julia Ward Howe