The Church Musician, Level 1
The Church Musician (Level 1). Composed by David Carr Glover. For Piano. Method/Instruction; Piano - Glover Christian Library. David Carr Glover Christian Piano Library. Sacred. Elementary. Book. 48 pages. Published by Belwin Music (AP.FDL00549A).
ISBN 0757938310. Sacred.
THE CHURCH MUSICIAN LEVEL 1 expands on major concepts and skills taught at the Primer Level. The 5-finger approach using Middle C position, C Major 5-finger position, G Major 5-finger position, and F Major 5-finger position is presented in a fresh, musically appealing way using familiar and new sacred music. Students are introduced to all the notes of the grand staff, elementary chord playing, eighth notes, transposition, and technic exercises. Musicianship is built through the use of dynamics, coloristic experimentation with the pedal, and motivating and exciting pieces. Includes: God Is So Good * Give Me Oil in My Lamp * He Is Lord * Now the Day Is Over * When I Survey the Wondrous Cross * Amazing Grace * Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus * Near to the Heart of God * Now Thank We All Our God * Christ the Lord Is Risen Today * Go Tell It on the Mountain and many more hymns of faith. Harmonically interesting teacher duet parts are featured for many of the hymns.