Sight Reading & Rhythm Every Day, Let's Get Started, Book A - Helen Marlais with Kevin Olson and Julia Olson - Piano Book
Sight Reading & Rhythm Every Day!, Let's Get Started, Book A (Book A, Let's Get Started!). Composed by Helen Marlais with Kevin Olson and Julia Olson. For piano. Book. The FJH Pianists Curriculum. Book A. Book. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (FJ.FJH2170).
ISBN 1-56939-967-0.
Designed to be accessible to young beginners, we've used larger fonts and added lyrics that appeal to kids. Each unit has a theme such as At the Park, Up in Space, or Creepy Crawly Things. Every day the student claps/counts two short rhythm lines, and s.
About Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day
This series is designed to help students achieve an impeccable sense of rhythm which is the first step in successful sight reading, as well as develop their skills with key recognition, time signature recognition, pattern identification, interval recognition, and immediate response to articulation and dynamics.