Great Hymnwriters (Portraits in Song)
Great Hymn Writers (Portraits in Song) - Medium Low (Medium Low Voice). Arranged by Jay Althouse, Patti Drennan, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Anna Laura Page, Jean Anne Shafferman, Douglas E. Wagner. For medium low voice and piano accompaniment (Low voice (Medium-Low)). Vocal; Vocal Collection; Worship Resources. 8 Best-Loved Hymns with Reproducible Program Notes. Sacred. Collection. 52 pages. Published by Alfred Music (AP.25860).
ISBN 0739042181. Sacred. 9x12 inches.
This first installment in the new Portraits in Song Series is an outstanding collection of hymnwriters and arrangers. Each of these solos may be performed separately, or -- paired with the brief biographical information -- together, creating an excellent recital or special worship program. Titles: Amazing Grace (Althouse) * Blessed Assurance (Drennan) * Holy, Holy, Holy (Hayes) * I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Page) * It Is Well with My Soul (Page) * Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Larson) * My Life Flows On in Endless Song (Shafferman) * O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Wagner).