Favorite German Art Songs - Volume 2 The Vocal Library High Voice with a CD of accompaniments and pronunciation lessons
This collection is a follow-up to Favorite German Art Songs. As before, 12 of the most often sung lieder are included here in clean engravings. Each book comes with a CD with piano accompaniments recorded by Laura Ward, and instructive pronunciation lessons recorded by a native German speaker. The CD also contains computer software that allows for transposition and tempo adjustment. This collection is sure to be used by singers at all levels, from high school contest soloists, to collegiate singers and professionals.
Includes recorded native speaker diction lessons, piano accompaniments and IPA. 12 songs: Ich liebe dich (Beethoven) • Vergebliches Ständchen (Brahms) • Mondnacht (Brahms) • Für Musik (Franz) • Das Veilchen (Mozart) • Rastlose Liebe (Schubert) • Abendstern (Schubert) • Seligkeit (Schubert) • Die Lotosblume (R. Schumann) • In der Fremde (R. Schumann) • Liebst du um Schönheit (C. Schumann) • Breit' über mein Haupt (Strauss).
Inventory # HL00000439
ISBN: 9781423412212
UPC: 884088075507
Series: The Vocal Library
Format: Softcover Audio Online
Width: 9.0"
Length: 12.0"
52 pages
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.