Blues, Jazz, Rock & Rags - Book 1 12 Original Piano Solos - Late Elementary Level by Jennifer and Mike Watts Educational Piano Solo
Blues, Jazz, Rock & Rags - Book 1 (National Federation of Music Clubs 2014-2016 Selection Late Elementary Level). Composed by Jennifer Watts and Mike Watts. For Piano/Keyboard. Educational Piano Solo. Late Elementary. Softcover. 32 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.296849).
ISBN 1617806625. 9x12 inches.
Jennifer and Michael Watts are a husband-and-wife team active in the music industry in Southern California. Jennifer is a classically trained jazz pianist, and maintains a full piano studio. Mike is a multi-talented studio musician, arranger, composer and orchestrator working mainly in the motion picture and television industries. Some of the more recent films he has been involved with include Tangled, Toy Story 3, and The Princess and the Frog. Blues, Jazz, Rock & Rags is comprised of original compositions Jennifer uses in her studio to keep piano students motivated. The original solos in Book 1 (HL00296849) are at the Late Elementary level. Titles are: The Baby Rhino ¥ Blues News ¥ The Broken Clock ¥ Frog Hoppin' ¥ Get Down ¥ Lazy Daisy ¥ Raggin' Around ¥ Rockin' the Blues Away ¥ Sneakin' Cake ¥ The Tangled Tango ¥ Whenever ¥ and Wishing for Summertime.