Piano Town: Note-Speller, Level 1 - Piano Method Series*
Piano Town, Note-Speller, Level One
Composed by Diane Hidy & Keith Snell
Sample Page #4
Using a simple step-by-step approach, this workbook is dedicated to helping students conquer reading, naming, and writing notes. Line notes and space notes are presented separately, alternating between the treble and bass clefs. All notes are then exercised on the grand staff. The final exercises of the book are dedicated to identifying notes in the context of harmonic thirds and triads. While part of the popular Piano Town method series, this volume can be studied to advantaged with any traditional piano course.
Level 1 begins with a nine-page review of the Primer level. Students progress from the late elementary to early intermediate levels in Level 1. New keys and hand positions include F and G Major. Accidentals are used in pieces to introduce new keys, and then key signatures are used. Other new concepts including tonic and dominant seventh chords, crescendo and diminuendo, eighth notes and rests, dotted quarter notes, accents and more. Transposition is introduced at this level and is emphasized throughout the following levels. Level 1 ends with an arrangement of Alouette in G Major, employing the G Major triad, D7 chord (two notes only), and hands in two positions.
Piano Town is the perfect place to learn to play the piano! A Multi-Key method with an intervallic concentration and a Middle C start, Piano Town combines the best of pedagogy to date with innovative new ideas. Students will love the contemporary feel as they discover the musical wonders of Piano Town. Teachers will love the success of its interactive discovery learning approach!
About Early Elementary. Five-finger positions with no chords and almost no hand position movement.
Edition Number: MP161
ISBN 10 digit: 0-8497-7364-4
ISBN 13 digit: 978-0-8497-7364-8
Level/Grade: 1
Media Type: Music Books
Instrument: Piano
Series: Piano Town