Pirates Bold! Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Showcase Solo Level 2/Elementary by Katherine Beard (OUT OF PRINT)
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Young pirates will relish performing this delightful piano solo Ð perhaps in full costume! This elementary-level piano solo has great, bold lyrics, and a jaunty melody that bounces along between the hands in a ÒbraveÓ minor key. Elementary piano solo (HLSPL L2); 4/4 meter; Moderate tempo; F minor position (flats as accidentals throughout); simple notation Ð quarters with a few eighth pairs; mostly alternating hands in simple 5-finger position. Lyrics. 24 measures. Approximate performance time: 45 seconds.
Inventory # HL00296437
UPC: 073999964370
Series: Educational Piano Library
Width: 9.0"
Length: 12.0"
4 pages
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.