Alfred's Basic Piano Course: Hymn Book Complete 2 & 3

Alfred's Basic Piano Course: Hymn Book Complete 2 & 3

Alfred Music

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The Hymn Books contain the world's most famous hymns and are perfect for the student who enjoys playing sacred music. Duet parts are included in the first three levels. Titles: Almost Persuaded * Blessed Assurance * Break Thou the Bread of Life * Come, Thou Almighty King * Fight the Good Fight * Give Me That Old-Time Religion * God Will Take Care of You * He Leadeth Me * Holy, Holy, Holy * I Am Bound for the Promised Land * I Am Resolved * Jesus Calls Us * Jesus Shall Reign * Joy, Joy, Joy * Just a Closer Walk with Thee * Just as I Am * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * More Love to Thee * My Faith Looks Up to Thee * Near the Cross * Onward, Christian Soldiers * Praise to the Lord, the Almighty * Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us * Softly and Tenderly * Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus * The Wayfaring Stranger * We Gather Together * What a Friend * What Wondrous Love * When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.

Series: Alfred's Basic Piano Library
Author: Willard A. Palmer, Morton Manus, Amanda Vick Lethco
Instrument: Piano
Format: Book
Page Count: 48
Item Number: 00-6485
ISBN 10: 0-7390-0406-9
ISBN 13: 978-0-7390-0406-7
UPC: 038081053257

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