XMAS - Proclaim! - Advent: Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day - Mixed Organ Collection - Christmas

XMAS - Proclaim! - Advent: Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day - Mixed Organ Collection - Christmas

Concordia Publishing House

  • $ 22.00

Proclaim! Preludes and Harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day (Advent)

Sample Pages

The Proclaim! series provides organists with substantive service music and hymn harmonizations for the Hymn of the Day as found in the One-Year and Three-Year Lectionaries of Lutheran Service Book. Since this series features a broad representation of composers, the expression of different composers’ voices creates a variety of artistry and style. With this volume, organists have service music and alternate hymn accompaniments for every Hymn of the Day during Advent.

  • Savior of the Nations, Come (NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND) - arr. James Biery 
  • On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry (PUER NOBIS) - Michael Praetorius (arr. Michael D. Costello) 
  • Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending (HELMSLEY) - Thomas Olivers (arr. Benjamin Kolodziej) 
  • Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding (MERTON) - William H. Monk (arr. Kevin Hildebrand)
  • O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL) - arr. Charles Callahan
Item Number: 977875
Instrumentation: Organ
Difficulty: Medium - Easy
Occasion: Advent
Saddle-stitched paperback
32 Pages

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